Vigilance jaune - Risque d'avalanche
Shops and services
Chorale Au Fil de l'Arve
Mixed, 4-part choir. Around 35 members. Choral singing with an open and varied repertoire: French songs, traditional songs, Classical, Gospel, Religi...
sentier pédestre : la Pierre à Voix
Short, pleasant walk on the hillside, passing the hamlet of Outredière, to discover this famous Pierre à Voix limestone boulder, the source of many le...
Conflict Coffee café
Conflict coffee vous propose du café de spécialité torréfié sur place....
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Circuit cyclo Sallanches/Les Contamines/Megève
Circuit for more athletic cyclists Sallanches - St Gervais - Les Contamines - Notre Dame de la Gorge - Saint Gervais - Megève - Altiport Côte 2000 -...
Atelier couleurs carmin
Sentier raquettes : la boucle des Combes
Les p'tits plats d'Audrey
Préparation de repas à domicile : confiez moi votre cuisine et mettez...
Mont Blanc Rafting
A sporting and Human adventure ! R A F T I N G - H Y D R O S P E E D - in the Pays du Mont-Blanc. From Chamonix to Geneva via Passy, come and disc...
Lac de planche à voile des Ilettes
Want to slide on the water? Notice to lovers of "jibe" and "fun" who are welcome on this 3rd lake, one of the best spots in Haute-Savoie for windsurf...
Circuit cyclo Sallanches/Magland/Passy
Circuit for old and young alike: Sallanches - Magland - Domancy - Chedde - Passy - Sallanches
Skate park & pumptrack
Skateboards, rollerskates, scooters and BMX bikes are all welcome at the skate park.
MMB Pâtisserie
une soirée sans gâteau est juste une réunion
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Le pagine in italiano sono dedicate alle informazioni turistiche. Invitiamo a consultare la sezione « Soggiornare a Sallanches » per trovare le informazioni nella lingua desiderata.